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PetroleumRx > Posts tagged "Customer"

Rebates as a new Customer Screen

We've added another Customer Maintenance screen to list the rebates the customer is tied to.  At present, we show only the rebate number, the price table and the discount.  We expect to expand this later to a display of rebate activity.  Access it via "REB"...

Customer lookup enhancements

The prompt "ENTER CUSTOMER CODE" has always had some hidden powers to search for things like text matches.  One could preface an entry with a single pipe (|), followed by some text, and would get results where that text is found somewhere in the names...

Canadian Postal Codes

As part of our move into Canada the zip code file has been changed to record Canadian style postal codes.  The zip field is a ten byte alpha field, so one could always enter such a code, but previously, if the entry wasn't a number,...