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PetroleumRx > Posts tagged "Cardlock"

CL Invoice Total as part of header

Just noting that most of you print the Cardlock Invoice Grand Total only at the bottom of the last page.  That's fine if that invoice consumes but a single page, but as we've expanded the totals section over the years, multi-page invoices are usually the...

CSU imports and the Off Road flag

We have long had an internal flag on cards used to mark some cards as "OFF ROAD", but the networks don't really recognize that.  As a consequence, importing card additions and changes via the CSU import would not support this flag.  We have adapted by...

Logging use of the C/L billing checker

For some time we've recommended that the Cardlock Menu '$' option be used to examine the billing file for unreasonable margins.  Specifically, we think that before any batch is posted, this utility should be run, ranking for cents per gallon profit.  Whether high or low,...

CFN CSU import supports delimited file

The CSU (card status update) file from CFN has traditionally been a fixed-length feed containing 23 fields.  However, they can be set to provide instead a comma-delimited format with 61 fields.  We can now import that format.  Note that with this switch, all prior 23...

Alpha keyboard entry support in Cardlock

The Misc Keyboard field in PRX has always been a numeric field, but alphanumeric input is starting to appear from pumps and networks that support such.  Be aware that we have patches now to track through the polling and billing, out to RxWeb and excel...

Cardlock batch ranking – Network options

We've enhanced the Cardlock Batch Ranking screen, the "$" option from the Cardlock Menu.  This is used to rank and summarize the contents of the billing file.  There are two enhancements designed to make it easier to track multiple networks: First, when listing ranked accounts, there...

CSV file extension of C/L Polling Journal

We've added an option to the Cardlock Polling Journal to have emailed to the person running it a .csv file suitable for use in Excel.  This file contains data on all the transactions in the batch, including some data that doesn't appear on the journal. ...