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PetroleumRx > Uncategorized  > Cardlock alert for unexpected products

Cardlock alert for unexpected products

We’ve added a 7th type of Cardlock Alert, one designed to alert if unexpected fuel types are seen.  One use is to alert to the purchase of in-store retail items by a user who is expected to purchase only fuel.  The alert fields a list of fuel types, up to 10.  Those can be the Odd Products, as we call this alert.  Or, those can be the items that are okay, forcing all others to be seen as Odd.  One can also enter a cutoff, under which we ignore purchase.  To review, here are the seven current alerts:

  1. Off Hours – a transaction at a time, or on a day, we don’t expect the cardholder to be active.
  2. Distance – a transaction at a site farther than expected from some “home” site
  3. Gallon Spike – a quantity seen that’s x% more than seen in the past y months
  4. Overuse – too many gallons, or too many transactions, in a given span of time
  5. Open Credit – A/R exposure is nearing the credit limit, either as a percentage or a dollar amount
  6. Vehicle Limit – a transaction for more gallons than the capacity on file for the vehicle
  7. Odd Products – a purchase of an exceptional fuel type


Alert are emailed off your system soon after the Daily Polling is posted, #4 on the menu.
