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PetroleumRx > Uncategorized  > Default Order Date

Default Order Date

By default, the Order Date offered to the user at the start of Order Entry is the same as the front-screen A/R Date.  A client has asked that to be changed to the system date.  For example, this client hasn’t closed July, so the A/R date is 07/31/15.  But today is August 6th and orders being entered today should be for the 6th, not the 31st of last month.  A flag drives which date is offered, so we can patch you if you’d like to change that default date to track the calendar.

Note that if the system date is an illegal order date (based on where the G/L is), we’ll offer the A/R date.  Test Companies, for example, are often months out of sync from the system date, and so we have to guard against offering up an illegal date as our default.
