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PetroleumRx > PDS Enhancements  > Footnote style site legends on cardlock invoice

Footnote style site legends on cardlock invoice

Most cardlock invoices have about 10-14 bytes reserved in the detail line to describe the site.  With short site codes, that leaves room to display a site code, like “AV8” or “1201”, and a bit of description, like “SACRAM”.  Down at the bottom of the invoice we then typically have a site legend where we can explain in more detail where all these sites are.  But lately we’ve run into issues with networks, like Voyager, that have very long site codes.  These are so long, we can’t even print the full site code in the detail line, much less anything about the network or the location.

The solution we’re using is to rely completely on footnotes.  The first site seen on the invoice is shown as “*001” and any subsequent transaction using that site is also show as “*001”.  The next site we see that’s unlike the first is shown as “*002”, and so forth.  The site legend at the end of the invoice then explains what each footnote symbol stands for, the network, the site code, and the address.  For example, the following shows that any transactions labeled with “*001” were at PacPride site LN, which is in Paterson, WA:

*001 PP :LN               Intersection of Hw, Paterson, WA


Bill Smallwood